2005/12/23 我知道答案 i made cheese cake, ginger bread cookies, pumpkin soup and banana chocolate muffin. Bad mood needs good food to heal.
2005/12/18 滿足的笑 After a busy weekend, I can't wait for another new week to start.
2005/12/16 我知道答案 It's time to wake up from my hibernation and move forward. Good luck!
2005/12/14 滿足的笑 It's better to go out instead of staying home in this cold weather. Talking to people certainly cheer me up a bit.
2005/12/13 不以為然 在家用力想了一天還是沒結果。只好一邊走一邊想了,老是花時間在思考上也不是辦法。出去走走聊聊天說不定答案就出來了。一個人想也容易陷入牛角尖。

2005/12/12 思考中 feeling down again and have no energy at all. Made some brownies to cheer myself up. Life is too short.
2005/12/10 想要做怪 Most people are having weekends off but I only work on the weekends. Not too sure if it's good or bad but try my best to enjoy it.
2005/12/08 滿足的笑 it's cold out but I feel pretty wram since I have stayed in lately. It's quite nice not having to get up early in the morning to go to work.
2005/12/02 我知道答案 who do i write for? myself or other people? It doesn't matter. Life is too short to enjoy. So many things to do and so little time.
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