- Sep 01 Wed 2010 02:08
- Aug 30 Mon 2010 18:12
- Aug 27 Fri 2010 09:57
- Aug 24 Tue 2010 00:13
- Aug 23 Mon 2010 00:22
那天跟學生解釋單字,覺得我最近真的是out of luck ,撞車,一天到晚掉東忘西,沒事老鼠也要衝出來嚇我,烤個餅乾也把自己手燙到。是不是需要來補運一下?不過仔細想想還是根本就是一個careless,迷糊的不得了。否極泰來,剛好也給自己一個教訓,不要再迷糊了!What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. 最討厭聽到的英文格言之一,用在我身上不能說不恰好。先前被車撞的時候還在想說,假如我再不小心一點,說不定哪天就不翼而飛到天上找媽媽去了。
唉! 胃又痛了,剛剛亂吃,最近都亂吃,這個暑假都亂吃,恩,該說今年都亂吃吧!星期五上課時也胃痛的不得了,坐到地上去了,可愛的學生還要從位子起來給我坐, 昨天上課也很不舒服,學生說那你趕快去坐下來啊。感動啊。不過也覺得對學生很不好意思。星期三被車撞到後就很不舒服,還去上課,隔天也不舒服想請假,還是 去上課,星期五星期六噁心頭痛非常不行地把課上完,覺得自己快死掉了。臉色很難看的老師 希望沒有嚇到同學。上課狀況也不太佳,謝謝同學體諒了。這愛逞強的老師覺得隨便請假很不負責,但是身體不適上課一樣不負責吧,唉!有時候也弄不清楚自己在 想什麼。覺得好像沒有很嚴重就沒休息,反而更嚴重了,真是笨蛋一個啊! 最近胃一直痛,頭痛,肚子痛,腰酸背痛,手也痛,感覺整個人在往一個不好的流向被拉過去,應該要找朋友出來吃飯,強勢的,想到可以找誰了。至少要讓我開心的!會說笑話給我聽的,這種人真的不太,還要有空才是重點。試試看囉!這種時候就會感到單身的淒涼。所以結了婚有了小孩的還是要很開心很辛苦的帶小孩,單身自由也要付很高的代價。
- Aug 21 Sat 2010 21:30
need an escape
i burst into tears on the mrt on my way home. it's just too much. this afternoon, i forgot to bring the handouts after i got on the bus, so i had to get off the bus, took another bus home, and then took a taxi because i was running late. and the reason i was almost running late already was becasue my printer had run out of ink when i wanted to print today's handouts. i was in a hurry becasue i spent the whole morning baking, and then went to see the doctor. one of my students said that he hadn't had the cookies i made for a long time, so i told him i would bring them tonight. i knew i didn't have to cause i wasn't feeling too well recently. besides, i needed to go see a doctor this morning. however, i still got up early and made some cookies and the scones i had wanted to make for a long long time. then of course i ran out of time, and i didn't even have time for lunch.
this afternoon's class was not too bad, but wasn't too good, either. and then in the evening, the first class just didn't go well. students were not responding to my questions and i was kind of impatinet. besides, i blamed on the student who asked me to bring those cookies for my forgetting my handouts. what a terrible teacher. the second class went on just fine but i felt sick. i got a stomachache, and felt nauseous. my lower back was really sore, and i could hardly stand. i was going to tell my students, but i felt i was compalining too much. i wasn't happy. there's only one reason who people aren't happy: things don't go the way they want them to be. i knew that well, and i knew i should be too hard on myself, but just couldn't help. i'm not perfect, and i don't have to be.well, i knew i was a bit careless sometmies and i should be more careful. however, it seems like everything just went wrong recently. i got hit by the bike, my class didn't go well, i burned my hand while making cookies. i couldn't go anywhere doing anything i enjoy because i was too busy at work, and i often got sick. my whole life is a mess. sigh. or perhaps i just havn't recoved from the shock of being hit by the scooter. perhpas it's good to let out some negative feelings. tears are supposed to carry away some waste in your body, perhaps the unwanted feelings? relax and take it easy! get some good rest. tomorrow is another day.
- Aug 19 Thu 2010 00:53
手腕擦傷淤血,腫了跟小球一樣,背後也淤血,腰也很痠。下午去看中醫,冰敷了一下,然後做了電療,醫生說明天早上起來可能會更痛。真是天外飛來的災害。醫院還說要開藥,叫我請保險,我也覺得太麻煩了。只是我人沒有倒地,沒有撞到頭,可是一直覺得噁心,下午還頭痛,醫生說應該是嚇到了。 唉,上星期日才去行天宮收驚,還好是有拜有保佑,所以只有小傷,那天去還被收驚婆婆訓話,看來是該再去一趟囉。
- Aug 16 Mon 2010 04:15
if only
life is getting tougher and too complicated these days. talking nonsense again. if only i had someone to talk to in real life, i wouldn't complain here all the time. well, it's kind of cool that this poor guy doesn't exist. hopeless. i was checking out time management, life goals, how to manage priority, etc. guess what? almost nothing is really new to me. perhaps in someway what plato or socrates said was true. we knew all the things in the world when we were born, but we just forgot them all. after we came to this life, we started to remember everything. there's nothing new under the sun. cause it has seen all? not sure. well, for me, so far, i guess most things in life, most important things in life, ways of living, i've learned enough to survive or to get by. the problems is i often forgot those important thing. and one thing which is even worse is the problem probably all human beings have, i just don't do it. we know we should do this this and that but we just don't do it. i don't have strong wills. i don't persist to those things, those rules i would like to follow. we all know eating vegetables and fruits are good for us but how many of us can be vegetarians? smoking and drinking are bad. more and more people i know quit smoking but drinking isn't something they want to give up. why not? we all need some pleasure in life to live our lives. key word: pleasure. besides, if a problem doesn't bother us enough we won't want to spend time and energy to deal with it. and we all rely on others to solve our problems. too often we start to ask people questions which we can easily solve on our own with a bit more extra energy and effort. well, it's easier to ask to bother other people than waste our time to search. one thing i really cannot take is some people just take in all those answers people give them without any doubts. come on. use your brain. somehow i feel like shouting at these people. sigh. stop complaining. time to do something or just simply get some sleep.
can't sleep. it's almost 5 am. sigh again. thought of what my student told me in class when asked why he took my class even though hes a graduate student who majors in english. he told me he needed to practice his speaking, which is his weakness. besides, "i like your class. i think you're cute." emh. i didn't know what to say, didn't even say thank you. last time, a student said i liked you a lot to me after class. a cute girl. well, it's nice to be liked. life doesn't always go the way we want. we often want something we can't have. we often can't have something we want. life is not fair in many ways but also fair in some ways. if you work hard, eventually it pays off. what makes a person unhappy? just one thing: things don't go the way he/she wants it to be. that's not getting what he/she wants. that's why the less you want, the happier you are.
- Aug 12 Thu 2010 01:46
- Aug 08 Sun 2010 23:52
亂七八糟的週末就這樣過的。然後下星期又要開始忙碌的一週。昨天不小心算了一下,ㄟ,薪水比想像的多,難怪那麼累。賺的多也就花的多。手機也就狠了心換了新的,原本想等iphone,但是還是算了。買了htc,覺得還好,還沒摸熟,看別人用覺得很好用,但是自己覺得很難用。可能還要一段時間吧!原本打算整理廚房跟餐廳,亂七八糟的,今天就打掃一下,跟小朋友吃東西,罵罵小孩,整理一下。原本還想做餅乾也沒時間,現在又快十二點了,根本沒精力。忙碌的一週又要開始。已經覺得有點煩了。啊!又想睡了。很想認真的想點未來,但是呢,肚子飽飽的很難思考。上個臉書看一下大家的生活,開心的呢。唉,我也沒什麼覺得太羨慕,家家有本難唸的經。從前看人家到處玩還會覺得好羨慕,現在已經痲痹了,非常的認命。啊我從前也玩得很兇,也被人家羨慕過了,也不是沒玩過,也還有機會玩,但是現在有現在要做的事,優先順序要排好,唉,一直排不好。玩很重要,但不是最重要。跟錢一樣,不是萬能,但沒有萬萬不能。而且其實也要花時間去規劃,安排,玩還需要有精力。忙到一定程度的時候會覺得休息比玩還開心。總算能瞭解從前說這種話的人的感受了,呵呵,can't complain。