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Lin Jessie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()
今天是復活節假期的第一天,Good Friday,大概所有的商家行號都沒開門吧!雖然澳洲的基督教人口不如想像的多但今天是國定假日。
Good Friday在字典中譯為復活節前的星期五,耶穌受難日。耶穌是在星期五殉難而在三天後的星期日復活,所以四月的第一個星期日是復活節,紀念耶穌,同時也感謝他為大眾受難來去除眾人的惡。兔子與雞蛋都是生命的象徵,這是我從教會的朋友口中得知的,想知道更清楚的話,情請自己上維基百科查吧!
Alice與 Nelson 是一對可愛的夫妻。Alice 記性好,常會說一些Sam的笑話給我們聽,而Nelson 很耍寶,常把我們騙的團團轉。對了,希望 Alice的身體早日康復。
Joyce 與Kevin的六個月大的小男孩Brian又乖又可愛,但是就在我抱他時上了兩次大號。他們說以後小孩便秘就找我,我的特異功能又添一項:催便。
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How can I not complain? Like today, we had a seminar of interpreting practicum. And what we had to do was to interpret the speaker's speech. However, it's a very academic essay and the speaker were just reading from the notes. It was about legitimacy and authority through ordination and election. I wonder if a native speaker who is not familiar with the topic would understand it all. It's just too difficult for us to understand not to mention to interpret it. Besides, the speaker was 50 minutes late. It's a torture to sit there since most of us do not understand the speech and it's just meaningless. I got angry again and complained to the secretary who was in charge of this. She said it's just the first speech and I should be patient. I could wait until I finish my attending the fifth speech and if I still feel I don't learn anything from them, then I can complain at that time. Don't you think I have another good reason to get angry because of her answer?
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Lin Jessie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()
Lin Jessie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()
Lin Jessie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()
Lin Jessie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()
I knew I would feel disappointed at certain point when I study in Australia but I had never thought the education quality would fail me like this. The teaching quality is unbelivable bad and I couldn't believe that I am here in Australia. Today I went to ask my teacher of interpreting technique, who is French and gave us some lectures in general techniques in English. Since I felt that I did not learn much in class and feel very frustrated in class and would like to spend some time study on my own so I asked her if she recommend any books and ways but the answer I got was that I needed to practice on my own and found out my weakness and improve it. Feel like swearing. If the teacher could not give me any direction and all I need to do is practice on my own then why I came all the way, paid so much to get the answer that you have to practice on your own. She gave me her last words, be patient and good luck then she walked away. What else can you expect when you paid so much money and came all the way here. I broke down and went to the counseling service. The whole teaching system is just driving me crazy. Some people are quite helpful and I guess I am to the point that if I keep on feeling like this I will go crazy.
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