- Sep 13 Sat 2008 02:42
typhoon day
my computer is broken so i am waiting for the new one to deliver. it's a pain in the ass. how can modern people live without a pc? yes, we can but it's just more difficult. now i am using my brother's computer to check emails, go online. don't know why i am talking nonsense here. probably because i am bored. took a nap around 7 pm and got up at 11pm. very happy to know that there's no class tomorrow so what can i do? called a couple friends, either no answer or busy so just bought some beer, drinking alone, watching some crap movies on tv. not much, nothing much happening. same as in life. nothing much. this is probably my problem? nothing to look forward to. every day is the same day, same depressing day. maybe i am the depressing one instead of saying life is depressing? had an argument with the doctor today. i knew i wouldn't like him when i first saw him but still i need some sleeping pills. well, he asked me why i was repeating all these and instead of stopping when it began. kind of asking why are you choosing suffering? you asked for that? can't stand that? can someone control one's thinking? is life that easy? if it is then he won't have any clients anyway. stupid doc. well, time to test the pills. the one i was taking was from this damn hospital and the doctors in australia were against to that but didn't tell me why. i just discovered it myself from a terrible experience. you do stupid things and do have any memories afterwards. i woke up discovered some cuts on my wrist and i had no memories of doing that. that's why i need new sleeping pills! how can doctors still give out this god damn medicine in taiwan? this makes me angry. well, the typhoon is coming and i should get some good sleep, hopefully without waking up finding more cuts on my wrist.
- Sep 10 Wed 2008 03:16
- Sep 08 Mon 2008 22:53
不能再吃安眠藥了。不是不知道它的可怕性,但很久沒吃就忘了。剛剛看到朋友的回信想說他怎麼回我那麼久以前寫的信,看看日期與內容,什麼?我昨天晚上吃過 藥之後居然寫信給他,自己完全沒有印象,嚇了一跳。只記得在facebook上留了超白癡的留言,懊惱的很,結果居然還寫了信。唉!再怎麼難過再怎麼亂, 自己的大腦與言行還是應該要靠自己控制才行,交給藥物的話只有把自己推落更深的谷底吧!
- Sep 08 Mon 2008 12:55
- Sep 05 Fri 2008 01:18
- Sep 02 Tue 2008 03:58
三點,好久沒混到這麼晚了。累到一個不行,因為在整理從前的資料,一個級數有兩大本,七個級數外加寫作、文法、閱讀、發音,還有一些零零碎碎,起碼二十本 以上。剛剛不過弄完兩個級數,四本,就已經整個人快癱掉。動作慢吞吞,起碼花了一小時多整理一個級數。唉!反正沒工作,是該把東西好好整理。我從前怎麼那 麼沒組織性,東西丟的亂七八糟。現在雖然也沒好到哪裡去,但是自己看到過去所囤積的東西還是忍不住搖頭。東西亂塞,然後找不到,用完又不放回原位。嘆氣。
- Sep 01 Mon 2008 11:56
- Sep 01 Mon 2008 00:07